Saturday, March 20, 2010


• Also known as the THERMODYNAMIC AGE
• 2 main revolutions brought about at this time
I) English Agrarian revolution
• Between 16th to 19th centuries
• People moved from villages to modern cities
• Crop rotation began
• Mechanisation meaning increased use of technology (improvement in architecture and transport)
• Slums were built in cites for those who were in the city but could not cope up with the city life, however some continents such as Europe discouraged the building of slums
II) Industrial revolution
• There were two major inventions in this revolution- the steam engine in 1769 by James Watt and the flying shuttle in 1733 by John Kay. These impacted the environment and the ways of living highly
• Other inventions such as films, photos, phones, TV, planes, trains and communication also emerged
• People however started realising that they were changeable, replaceable and were also workers thus they started looking at themselves and others as machines. This caused people to respect each other less

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