Saturday, March 20, 2010

2) NEOLETHIC ERA (‘New stone age’)

• 10000 years ago
• Neolithic Agriculture Revolution-this was the beginning of agriculture. It is believed that some seeds must have fallen during the migrations of the people and so they started growing more. This revolution caused a dramatic transition in human life.
• Due to agriculture people started mastering over land
• Improved tools for agriculture were made, such as flint sickles, primitive millstones, etc
• Migration began due to overpopulation
• The birth of surplus was also seen in this era due to surplus of crops. They discovered that they could start exchanging there crops (Barter trade). This led to major civilisations. For example, in Egypt, Rome and Greece.
• Some of the civilisations that were founded at this time were writing and record keeping which was brought about by the Sumerians, laws which were brought about by the Babylonions, the Olympics which were brought about by the Greeks and the baths and the sewer which were brought about by the Romans.
• This period was also the beginning to Religions, such as Christianity and Islam.
• Building of settlements also began
• It is believed that many inventions came about during this period of time as the people were now not living ‘hand to mouth’ as the hunters did.
• Lastly this age was also the beginning to disease outbreaks due to people living together and also due to them living close to animals.

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